
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Introducing SUPER BATMAN!!

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a very vital super hero. Drum roll please...... Everyone give a huge hello to Super Batman a.k.a. my extremely imaginative daughter. She loves to play super hero dress up. Her favorites are Batman and Supper Buggy. The 411 on Supper Buggy; her nickname is Jada Bug, hence buggy. It started about a year ago, wanting to have her blankets tied around her shoulders as a "cape" and wearing my gel eye mask as a "mask". Once all suited up, she then proceeds to run around shouting "Supper Buggy". 

Everyone I am pleased to present "Supper Buggy"

Isn't it nice to know that even super heroes can make the time to video skype with us mere mortals. Supper Buggy skyping with my bestie Mel.

Now let us move on to the awesome Batman. She absolutely adores this masked crusader. Hilarious fact, apparently we have been calling this hero by the wrong name. According to my daughter it is "Batmant". She over-pronounces the letter N and it sounds as if she is adding a T to it. Spoont, Moont, and Spider-mant, etc.  This is by far one of my favorite Jada quirks.

Who needs neighborhood crime watch when you have Batmant guarding the perimeter!

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